Privacy Policy

Policies and procedures

We, at the Global Discount Drugs, pride ourselves in placing our customers’ privacy high on our list of priorities. At every step, we make sure our customers’ privacy is protected and their personal information is kept confidential. These are the policies that we follow when we gather, use, maintain and protect personal information from our customers:

  • We only collect information with the full knowledge and consent of our customers. Even while using or disclosing the information, the customers’ consent is required unless otherwise specified by the law.
  • We only collect information that we require for specific purposes. The purpose of collecting this information is also made known to the customer at the time the information is collected. Personal information collected from the customer can be disclosed or used only for this purpose and will be retained only until the purpose is fulfilled.
  • We hold ourselves responsible for maintaining and protecting all customer information that we are provided with. We also make sure it is up-to-date and accurate so that it may be properly used to fulfill the purpose for which it was collected.
  • We also make sure we provide our customers with appropriate security measures in order to protect their privacy.
  • We provide our customers with the information that we collect about them, upon request from them. We also have facilities whereby they can update or change any relevant information.
  • We also inform our customers about the policies we follow with regard to the collection, disclose and use of their personal information. We also address any questions they might have with regard to our privacy practices or procedures.

Collection of personal information

At the Global Discount Drugs, we only collect relevant and necessary information that we need to carry out our customers’ orders. This includes the following:

  • Personal information: Including but not limited to name, address, email id, home and cell phone numbers, occupation, employment status, etc.
  • Physical information: Including age, height, weight, sex, date of birth, etc.
  • Information about their physician: Their name and contact information
  • Medical history: Their own medical history as well as that of their family members, the existence and types of drug allergies, medications requested, details of their existing medications, etc.
  • Payment information: Including credit card information (including card type and number, expiry date and name of card holder), banking information (including transit and account numbers), etc.
  • Prescription information

It is fully left to the discretion of our customers whether or not they chose to provide us with this information and how much information they provide us with. However, we make recommendations based on the information that they provide and it becomes difficult for us to suggest alternatives if we have not been given adequate information. We may even request additional information in case we are not able to carry out the request based on the information provided. We also maintain a file on our customers on their personal information that our customers can update from time to time.

Use of personal information

We collect personal information from our customers in order to serve them better and quickly and effectively provide them with the appropriate services they require.

Customers’ consent is always taken before making use of their personal information. We only use their personal information for the purposes that we disclose to them.

Sharing of personal information:

Customers’ personal information is shared with an outside source only under the following circumstances:

  • To fulfill a prescription: The information maybe shared with our affiliate or licensed pharmacy in order to procure the necessary prescription
  • For offers and discounts: We may identify customers’ needs based on the information provided by them and send them information regarding other products that we can provide them with.
  • In case of sale: In case the ownership of the Global Discount Drugs changes hands, the purchaser will get access to all our customers’ personal information.
  • In case of legal proceedings: We may have to disclose certain personal information to the authorities to fulfill a legal procedure.
  • Specialized organizations: In some cases, we may contact outside agencies to carry out specialized services for us. These agencies will handle some of the customers’ personal information.

Only in some cases such as when it comes to employing legal methods to collect a delinquent account, a medical emergency or suspicion of illegal activities do we legally access and disclose our customers’ personal information.

Security Measures

At the Global Discount Drugs, we employ very strict security measures to ensure that our customers’ personal information is protected against inappropriate use, disclosure or alteration.

We employ the latest technology to maintain high security standards and restrict access to electronic flies containing our customers’ data. Our firewall infrastructure is strictly adhered to and we regularly update our security settings.

Customer information stored in paper based files is kept in restricted areas and only authorized employees are allowed to access them. All our employees sign confidentiality agreements when they join our organization which binds them to follow our strict privacy policies and procedures. They are strictly forbidden from accessing customer information without the appropriate authorization and may even be dismissed in case they, in any way, compromise our customers’ privacy.

Keeping personal information up-to-date

It is highly important for our customers to keep their personal information up-to-date as we, at the Global Discount Drugs, make recommendations and decisions based on the information that our customers provide us.

Customers can access and modify their information in case they wish to make any changes or corrections in case of a clerical error on our part. Once the customer informs us about the incorrect or old information in their file, we carry out the necessary changes. We also make these changes known to any other parties who we may have passed the incorrect information onto.

Any queries that our customers may have regarding our privacy policies and procedures can be directed towards our Privacy official at the following mail id:

Updating the policy

From time to time, additions, insertions and modifications may be made to the existing policy. If and when changes are made in our privacy policy and procedures, our customers can come to know about it by referring to the modification date found at the bottom of the Global Discount Drugs privacy policy web page.


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